Un-audited Financial Results
for the 2nd quarter and half year ended: 30/09/2015 (Amount in Rs.)

Sl. No. Particulars 3 months ended
Preceding 3 Months ended 
Corresponding 3 months ended in the previous year
Half Year ended  in current year
Half Year ended  in previous year
Financial Year ended 
    Un-audited Un-audited Un-audited Un-audited Un-audited Audited
1 Income from Operations            
  (a) Gross Sales          76.68               68.57               11.35        145.25            22.06           77.83
  (b) Other Operating Income            
  Total Income from Operations          76.68               68.57               11.35        145.25            22.06           77.83
2 Expenses            
  (a) Purchases        134.01               66.69               10.97        200.70            21.29           75.34
  (b) Change in closing stock, finished goods, Work in progress and stock in trade         (58.32)                    -                      -          (58.32)                 -                  -  
  (c) Employee Cost            0.56                0.60                0.44           1.16              0.88             1.80
  (d) Other expenses            2.60                3.59                3.10           6.19              4.70             7.95
  (e) Capital Increase Expenses w/off               -                    -                   -               0.90
  (f) Processing Fees                    -                5.62             5.62
  Total Expenses          78.85               70.88               14.51        149.73            32.50           91.61
3 Profit/loss before interest & Tax           (2.17)               (2.31)               (3.16)          (4.48)           (10.44)          (13.79)
4 Other Income            2.43                3.40                3.26           5.83              6.53           16.77
5 Profit/loss from ordinary activities before finance cost and exceptional items (3+4)            0.26                1.09                0.10           1.35             (3.91)             2.99
6 Finance Cost               -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
7 Profit/loss from ordinary activities after finance cost but before exceptional items (5-6)            0.26                1.09                0.10           1.35             (3.91)             2.99
8 Exceptional Items               -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
9 Profit/loss from Ordinary activities before Tax (7-8)            0.26                1.09                0.10           1.35             (3.91)             2.99
10 Tax Expense                      -                  -                   -               1.24
11 Net Profit/ loss from Ordinary activities after Tax (9-10)            0.26                1.09                0.10           1.35             (3.91)             1.75
12 Prior Period adjustments               -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
13 Net Profit/ Loss for the period (11-12)            0.26                1.09                0.10           1.35             (3.91)             1.75
14 Paid up equity share capital        521.05             521.05             521.05        521.05          521.05         521.05
15 Reserves excluding revaluation reserve                   157.35
16 Face Value per Share (Rs.)          10.00               10.00               10.00         10.00            10.00           10.00
17 Earnings Per Share (Rs.)            
  (a) Basic          0.005               0.021               0.002         0.026           (0.075)           0.034
  (b) Diluted          0.005               0.021               0.002         0.026           (0.075)           0.034

A Particulars of Shareholding 3 months
Preceding 3 Months ended 
Corresponding 3 months ended in the previous year
Half Year ended  in current year
Half Year ended  in previous year
Financial Year ended 
1 Public Shareholding            
  Number of Shares    3,921,100        3,921,100        3,921,100   3,921,100      3,921,100     3,921,100
  % of holding 75.25% 75.25% 75.25% 75.25% 75.25% 75.25%
2 Promoter & Promoter group Holding                        
  A) Pledged/ Encumbered             
  Number of shares                -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
  Percentage of shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
              -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
  Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company)               -                      -                      -                -                   -                  -  
  B) Non-Encumbered            
  Number of shares    1,289,400        1,289,400        1,289,400   1,289,400      1,289,400     1,289,400
  Percentage of shares (as a% of the total shareholding of promoter and promoter group)
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
  Percentage of shares (as a % of the total share capital of the company) 24.75% 24.75% 24.75% 24.75% 24.75% 24.75%
B Particulars of Investors Complaint   3 Months ended  30/9/2015
  Number of complaints pending at the begining of the Quarter:    Nil  
  Number of complaints received from shareholders during the quarter: Nil  
  Number of complaints disposed off during the quarter: Nil  
  Number of shareholders complaint pending at the end of quarter :  Nil         

1 These unaudited results have been taken on record by Board of Directors in their meeting held on 5/11/2015
2 Number of complaints pending at the beginig of the Quarter: Nil
Number of complaints received from shareholders during the quarter: Nil
Number of complaints disposed off during the quarter: Nil
Number of shareholders complaint pending at the end of quarter :Nil
3 Figures of the correspondin quarter/ year have been regrouped/ restated wherever necessary.

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